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Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Animals to Live Without Oxygen Discovered

First Animals to Live Without Oxygen Discovered

ScienceDaily (Apr. 7, 2010) — Deep under the Mediterranean Sea, small animals have been discovered that live their entire lives without oxygen and surrounded by 'poisonous' sulphides. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Biology report the existence of multicellular organisms (new members of the group Loricifera), showing that they are alive, metabolically active, and apparently reproducing in spite of a complete absence of oxygen.

Researchers have discovered small animals that live their entire lives without oxygen and surrounded by 'poisonous' sulphides, deep under the Mediterranean Sea. (Credit: Danovaro et al. / BMC Biology)

Roberto Danovaro, from the Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy, worked with a team of researchers to retrieve sediment samples from a deep hypersaline anoxic basin (DHABs) of the Mediterranean Sea and studied them for signs of life. "These extreme environments," said Danovaro, "have been thought to be exclusively inhabited by viruses, Bacteria and Archaea. The bodies of multicellular animals have previously been discovered, but were thought to have sunk there from upper, oxygenated, waters. Our results indicate that the animals we recovered were alive. Some, in fact, also contained eggs."

Electronmicroscopy shows that instead of aerobic mitochondria, these animals possess organelles resembling the hydrogenosomes found previously in unicellular organisms (protozoans) that inhabit anaerobic environments.

The implications of this finding may reach far beyond the darker parts of the Mediterranean Sea floor, according to Lisa Levin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. In one of two commentaries accompanying this piece of research, she said, "The finding by Danovaro et al. offers the tantalizing promise of metazoan life in other anoxic settings, for example in the subsurface ocean beneath hydrothermal vents or subduction zones or in other anoxic basins."

In the second commentary Marek Mentel and William Martin, from Comenius and Dusseldorf Universities look at the incidence of anaerobic mitochondria and hydrogenosomes in other organisms and focus on the evolutionary significance of the new findings. "The discovery of metazoan life in a permanently anoxic and sulfidic environment provides a glimpse of what a good part of Earth's past ecology might have been like in 'Canfield oceans', before the rise of deep marine oxygen levels and the appearance of the first large animals in the fossil record roughly 550-600 million years ago."

Newest news in the WORLD

The Early Word: New Start Treaty Signed

The Early Word: New Start Treaty Signed

President Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia signed a new arms reduction treaty this morning that will significantly reduce the countries’ nuclear arsenals, a key step in achieving Mr. Obama’s ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

Under the agreement, which will be posted online later today, the two countries must cut back to no more than 800 total launchers and slash their weapons stores by 30 percent — though they can still deploy 1,550 warheads each, on top of thousands of others not covered by the pact.

That leaves the two nations — which together hold more than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons — a lot of muscle, but it is still a significant reduction from 1991 when they held more than 19,000 strategic warheads combined, notes The Times’s Peter Baker.

At the signing ceremony this morning, along side Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Gen. James L. Jones, the national security adviser, Mr. Obama said the treaty was not only an important step toward disarmament, but also a milestone in “resetting” the relationship between the U.S. and Russia.

“Our relationship had started to drift, making it difficult to cooperate on issues of common interest to our people,” he said. “Together, we have stopped the drift, and proven the benefits of cooperation. Today is an important milestone for nuclear security and non-proliferation, and for U.S.-Russia relations.”

Mr. Obama added that the two nations would continue to work to address nuclear proliferation in other nations in advance of the United Nations nuclear security summit in Washington next week. For one, the efforts to sanction Iran would likely be a topic in today’s bilateral meeting, Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, told reporters this morning.

Now the public relations challenge begins as Mr. Obama tries to win over those who think the treaty does not go far enough and, at the same time, the hawks who think it leaves the U.S. looking weak to potential enemies. Getting the 67 votes necessary for ratification could be tough moving into the polarizing election season.

Officials will begin briefing senators on the particulars of the agreement and Brian McKeon, who works with the National Security Council in the vice president’s office and is running the administration’s ratification effort, will post a description of his initial steps on the White House blog today, Mr. Gibbs said.

Tonight, Mr. Obama will host a dinner for Central and Eastern European heads of state from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence.

Assessing the Meltdown: The panel charged by Congress to investigate the causes of the financial crisis begins its second of three days of hearings on the problems at Citigroup, Fannie Mae and the subprime mortgage market. Former Citigroup chief executive officer, Charles Prince, and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, then chairman of Citigroup’s executive committee, are scheduled to testify today before the bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.

A review of the Federal Reserve’s oversight of the company released Wednesday, painted a troubling picture both before and after its former chairman, Alan Greenspan left the Fed and again after Citigroup received three taxpayer-financed bailouts, The Times’s Sewell Chan reports.

Lights Up, Plane’s Down: A Qatari diplomat is being held after attempting to light a cigarette in a commercial airline lavatory. He claimed diplomatic immunity, which marshals took as a threat, so the plane was grounded in Denver Wednesday night. Officials said the incident is not comparable to the Christmas Day underwear bomber scare, The Times’s Matt Wald and Charlie Savage report.

Health Care Threats: A man arrested in connection with threats against Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her role in the overhaul of the health care system will be arraigned in San Francisco today, reports The Times’s David Herszenhorn.

Stupak Could Go: Fierce criticism over Representative Bart Stupak’s crucial compromise on the health care bill is fueling questions over whether he will run for a 10th term. But, Mr. Stupak, the Michigan Democrat who voted for the bill after negotiating tougher language restricting federal funding of abortion, told the Detroit Free Press that he is not ready to quit.

Six States for Abortion Block: Lawmakers in at least six states are pushing legislation that would block abortion coverage in plans offered through their state-run exchanges.That would likely affect most individual and small-group plans in a state, starting when the exchanges launch in 2014, reports The Wall Street Journal.

A Boston Report Card: As Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts prepares for a surprisingly tough reelection contest this fall, Boston’s mayor, Thomas Menino is hardly giving him rave reviews. Mayor Menino told State House News that Governor Patrick “carried a grade of “C” for the first three years of his term before stepping his game up to a “B+” level the last four months.” Mayor Menino also said that State Representative Michael Capuano, the Democrat who lost the special election primary race to Attorney General Martha Coakley, would be most likely to face Senator Scott Brown in 2012.

Tax Day, For Half: Nearly half of U.S. households will not have to pay income tax come April 15 because their incomes are either too low or because credits and other deductions leave them with no liability, Yahoo News reports.

Hello Bayh: Senator Evan Bayh, the Indiana Democrat who announced his retirement in February, is likely to make a re-run for governor, reports Talking Points Memo. It’s a familiar post. In 1988 he became the nation’s youngest ever governor.

Specter Forgets: Senator Arlen Specter momentarily forgot what party he’s courting while speaking at Pennsylvania State University Wednesday. He thanked the school’s College Republicans for their endorsement. Perhaps a line from the 2004 speech?

Jobless Claims Rise: The number of workers filing jobless claims rose unexpectedly last week increasing by 18,000 to 460,000, reports the Wall Street Journal.

SCOTUS Talks: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will participate in a panel discussion about women on the high court at Georgetown Law School at 3:30 p.m. today.

Executive Pay Talks: Ken Feinberg, who oversees executive compensation at companies that received bailout money, will speak at the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business at 4 p.m.

Obama and Medvedev Sign Nuclear Arms Reduction Pact

Doug Mills/The New York Times

President Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia signing the treaty in Prague on Thursday.

PRAGUE — With flourish and fanfare, President Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia signed a nuclear arms control treaty on Thursday and opened what they hoped would be a new era in the tumultuous relationship between two former cold war adversaries.

Meeting here in the heart of a once-divided Europe, the two leaders put aside the acrimony that has characterized Russian-American ties in recent years as they agreed to bring down their arsenals and restore an inspection regime that expired in December. Along the way, they sidestepped unresolved disputes over missile defense and other issues.

“When the United States and Russia are not able to work together on big issues, it is not good for either of our nations, nor is it good for the world,” Mr. Obama said as his words echoed through a majestic, gilded hall in Prague Castle. “Together we have stopped the drift, and proven the benefits of cooperation. Today is an important milestone for nuclear security and nonproliferation, and for U.S.-Russia relations.”

Mr. Medvedev called the treaty signing “a truly historic event” that will “open a new page” in Russian-American relations. “What matters most is this is a win-win situation,” he said. “No one stands to lose from this agreement. I believe this is a typical feature of our cooperation. Both parties have won.”

The Russian president signaled general support for the American-led drive to impose new sanctions on Iran, saying that Tehran’s nuclear program has flouted the international community. “We cannot turn a blind eye to this,” Mr. Medvedev said, while adding that sanctions “should be smart” and avoid hardship for the Iranian people.

Mr. Obama said he expected “to be able to secure strong, tough sanctions” on Iran during the spring.

The apparently warm relationship between the presidents was on display as they entered the hall to trumpet music. They whispered and smiled with each other in English as they sat side by side signing copies of the so-called New Start treaty, then traded compliments during a follow-up exchange with reporters.

Mr. Obama called the Russian a “friend and partner” and said, “Without his personal efforts and strong leadership, we would not be here today.” For his part, Mr. Medvedev said the two had developed a “very good personal relationship and a very good personal chemistry, as they say.”

While the treaty will mandate only modest reductions in the actual arsenals maintained by the two countries, it caps a turnaround in relations with Moscow that sank to rock bottom in August 2008 during the war between Russia and its tiny southern neighbor, Georgia. When he arrived in office, Mr. Obama made restoring the relationship a priority, a goal that coincided with his vision expressed here a year ago of eventually ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

Even as the two presidents hailed the treaty, however, they found no common ground on American plans to build an antimissile shield in Europe to counter any Iranian threat. Mr. Obama refused Russian demands to include limits on missile defense in the treaty, nearly scuttling the agreement. In the days leading up to the ceremony here, Russian officials alternately claimed the agreement would bind the program or complained that it did not and threatened to withdraw if it went forward.

The treaty, if ratified by lawmakers in both countries, would require each country to deploy no more than 1,550 strategic warheads, down from 2,200 allowed in the Treaty of Moscow signed by President George W. Bush in 2002. Each would be limited to 800 total land-, air- and sea-based launchers — 700 of which can be deployed at any given time — down from 1,600 permitted under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 1991, or Start.

Because of counting rules and unilateral reductions over the years, neither country would have to actually eliminate large numbers of weapons to meet the new limits. Moreover, the treaty does not apply to whole categories of weapons, including thousands of strategic warheads held in reserve and tactical warheads, some of which are still stationed in Europe.

But the treaty would re-establish an inspection regime that lapsed along with Start last December and bring the two countries back into a legal framework after years of tension. Moreover, both sides hope to use it as a foundation for a new round of negotiations that could lead to much deeper reductions that will cover weapons like stored or tactical warheads.

The first task for Mr. Obama after returning to Washington will be persuading the Senate to ratify the new treaty, and advisers planned to head to Capitol Hill on Thursday, even before his return, to brief Senate staff members.

Ratification requires a two-thirds vote, or 67 senators, meaning the president needs at least eight Republicans. The White House is counting on the support of Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, the senior Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee and one of his party’s most respected voices on international affairs, to clear the way.

Ancient skeletal remains shed new light on evolution

(CNN) -- Scientists may have discovered a new branch on your family tree.



A team of researchers working in South Africa has unearthed what they believe are the remains of a previously unknown species predating modern humans. They recently discovered a couple of partial skeletons -- an adult female and a juvenile male -- that are nearly 2 million years old.

The two are believed to have been significantly taller and potentially stronger than "Lucy," the roughly 3 million year old skeleton discovered in Ethiopia in 1974.

Known as "Australopithecus sediba," the pair may provide a window into a previously little-defined period in human evolution.

"Australopithecus" means "southern ape," the researchers noted. "Sediba" refers to a "natural spring" or "fountain" in Sotho, a local language in South Africa.

The discovery of the remains was akin to stepping into a time machine, said Dr. Lee Berger from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. It's providing a "really a special look into hominid evolution at that time," he told reporters.

Hominids are part of the biological family that includes humans, gorillas and chimpanzees.

The two skeletons, discovered in the remains of a collapsed cave, were not alone. At least two more partial skeletons have been discovered but not yet dug out, Berger said.

Berger and other researchers, including Dr. Paul Dirks from Australia's James Cook University, believe the pair may have fallen into the cave while searching for water. Their remains were washed into an underground pool and eventually entombed in rock in South Africa's Malapa cave complex.

The male is believed to have been between the ages of 10 and 13 when he died, the researchers concluded. The female was at least in her late 20s or early 30s.

Specifically, the two hominids lived between 1.78 and 1.95 million years ago, Berger's team concluded. They walked upright and shared several physical characteristics with the earliest known hominids.

Among other things, they had short fingers but extremely long forearms, Berger noted. Compared to other early specimens, their legs were long -- potentially signifying the start of an era marked by faster running and overall greater mobility.

Despite the fact that development of their feet was still in a "primitive" stage, he noted, "they could still climb trees [and] they were very competent walking ... on the ground."

Berger noted that they had "remarkably small" brains, but a more developmentally advanced pelvis and smaller teeth -- one of the hallmarks of modern man.

Could Australopithecus sediba be the so-called "missing link" that scientists have been looking for?

"I don't like the use of that term," Berger told reporters. It's a "Victorian-era" term that "implies some (specific) chain of evolution." But this is "undoubtedly a highly transitional species" with characteristics shared by later hominids, he noted.

The discovery promises to help clarify what has been, until now, a murky biological picture from 1.7 million and 2 million years ago, he said. It will "contribute enormously to our understanding of what was going on" at that critical juncture in the evolution of humans.

Researchers working with Berger and Dirk also discovered fossils in the cave from a saber-toothed cat, a brown hyena and a wild dog, among others.

An Apple launch that thought differently


Eager iPad owners in San Francisco: They're not paying attention to that bottle of wine!

(Credit:Maya Baratz)

SAN FRANCISCO--Even the raspberry cream eggs were getting ignored.

At one Easter dinner party on Sunday night, a gathering of single and coupled adults with an average age of about 30, the real centerpiece wasn't the vase of lavender tulips that one person had arranged on the table or the glut of various pastel-colored marshmallow-cream confections that were passed around. It was, instead, a trio of brand-new Apple iPads that three separate guests had brought, eager to show off the glowing slates to the others in attendance. At least one of them had shown up in line at an Apple Store at six o'clock the prior morning to ensure that he could have it.

As the main course was about to be served, one end of the table was completely occupied by testing out what theiPad could do: One was getting tilted and tipped around to show off Real Racing HD, a $9.99 racecar driving game that was a hit on theiPhone and now stands a chance at becoming one of the iPad's first gaming sensations. Another was tasked with loading up the iBooks store and comparing it to Amazon's e-books, until the owner of the third iPad commandeered the second in an attempt to start a head-to-head game of chess. The porchetta with sides of mushroom tart and Brussels sprouts was delicious, but the iPads had stolen the show.

The iPad craze wasn't limited to Bay Area professionals who have been known to pick up any shiny toy that Apple CEO Steve Jobs pitches them. The tablet's opening weekend appeared to be a smashing success, and not just because there were no horror stories of long lines and sold-out products. Apple says 300,000 were sold on the first day; in that same time frame, 1 million apps and 250,000 e-books were downloaded. Estimates indicate that in its first three months on the shelves, the iPad will beat the original iPhone's sales figures.

Wait: This wasn't supposed to happen. Reactions to the iPad had been mixed, at best, when Jobs unveiled it in January. Many of the usual suspects in the tech industry had panned the iPad, citing nit-picky concerns like its inability to multitask apps and its lack of a camera, or snubbing the closed-off, Apple-groomed operating system as a step back in personal computing. "It's just a big iPod Touch" was what you heard people saying. Were the early adopters going to buy it? "Sure. Maybe. Eventually."

The unveiling of the iPad was, without a doubt, missing much of the novelty that its iPhone sibling brought to the world. "You have to know that the reception was going to be like that, because it's built on the same operating system as the iPhone," said Ian Schafer, CEO of marketing firm Deep Focus, who'd picked up an iPad on day one. "So, you launch the iPhone, and it's a whole gesture-based interface that no one's ever seen before. This one (the iPad) looked familiar, really familiar."

On the app side, many of the ideas that have been fueling tech-industry buzz in the recent past are noticeably absent. Take social networking, for example: there is, as of yet, no Facebook app for the iPad (well, not an official one) and only a limited number of Twitter clients. Geolocation, the hottest craze in all things mobile, is almost nowhere to be found other than in the local-guide app from Loopt, a start-up that many among the Valley digerati had already written off in favor of the shinier Foursquare and Gowalla. E-commerce apps aren't so much vamped up as they are simplified, eschewing bells and whistles for simple, photograph-driven shopping. After years of a bridge-burning, "out with the old" attitude in digital media, the iPad is about making the old new again: books, newspapers, board games, and the sort of thing that can be passed around a dining room table. And people, excluding some complaints about Wi-Fi performance and other issues, are loving it.

What made the iPad go from relative yawn to instant hit? Apple's notorious internal secrecy means that we'll never know for sure whether, after seeing the digerati sniff at the January iPad announcement, the company altered its marketing strategy in any way to target families rather than fanboys. But things add up and start to fit together, hinting that maybe from the start and maybe after a change in course, Apple was taking a new approach with the marketing of the iPad.

In what some deemed a glitch and others saw as an eleventh-hour publicity move, iPad apps appeared in the App Store a day early, giving potential customers a preview of what was out there. That's crucial for buyers who aren't willing to pick up a device simply because Apple made it. "It's not so much the device that's marketable, it's what the device does," Deep Focus' Schafer told CNET. "There's some apps where you have to wipe the drool off the screen after you see them...Once you see them, even just in the iTunes Store, and they carefully chose the ones they highlighted there, it makes you want these things bad."

And what first had seemed like a scheduling folly--releasing the device on a weekend, and to boot, a weekend with a major religious holiday attached to it--began to look like Apple's marketing savvy at its best. The iPad, a device meant to live on couches and coffee tables, was riding a wave of word-of-mouth marketing in family living rooms on a holiday. There was something quite brilliant about that.

The press strategy is telling, too. Some of the most popular gadget news outlets, the sorts of publications that would undoubtedly be winnowing out the pros and cons of the iPad's hardware and software, weren't even given early review units of the device. Apple instead chose Time magazine as the platform for its splashy media coverage, with a feature story and interview with Jobs penned not by a member of the tech press but by Stephen Fry, a British actor and comedian who likely has more Twitter followers than most insidery Apple pundits combined.

Then, the pre-launch appearance that drummed up the most excitement wasn't any tech blogger's breathless review, but a guest-star spot on the ABC sitcom "Modern Family." (Apple has denied that it was paid product placement.)

The hype for the original iPhone was riding on months of momentum. But for the iPad, the "you need this" impulse came late in the game. Many of the first-weekend buyers weren't even planning to buy an iPad so early until something, whether it be "Modern Family" or Stephen Fry or the early glimpse of the iPad's app array before the device was even available, convinced them to show up on Easter weekend.

Paul Saarinen, a Minneapolis father of two, posted a blog entry of his gleeful two-year-old playing with an iPad that he said he almost didn't buy in the first place. "I've read all the pros and cons," Saarinen told CNET. "Really, the cons all focus on lack of features, when they should be focusing on possibilities and potential...My kids love it. They're not disappointed that it doesn't have a camera, or doesn't run Flash. It's a big multitouch screen that can do lots of interesting stuff. The developers should focus on that."

David Nemeth of Wilmington, Del., said Stephen Fry sealed the deal for him. "For the last few years I have been a huge Apple fan--customer service and a good product were what swayed me from Windows to Apple. But regarding the iPad, purchasing it was always lurking in back of my mind," Nemeth said. He, too, had his family in mind. "Over the last few months, my son's Windows laptop was dying a slow death--the laptop was almost five years old--and then it was Stephen Fry's tweets that pushed me over the edge."

Apple surged from niche to mainstream with the backing of an army of loyalists, but just as some pundits are saying that the iPad marks a certain maturity in the convergence of mobile and laptop computing, its debut represents a sort of maturation in Apple's own marketing.

The visuals that will define the iPad's first weekend are not the clips of giddy acolytes running out the door of an Apple store tearing the packaging off their new toys (does anybody care who was first in line for it, anyway?) but rather the YouTube videos of toddlers reaching out to play with the colorful screens. This was the launch where Apple chose not to reach out to the geeks first--while somehow knowing that they would see the light, too.

FBI arrests man for making threats to House speaker

(CNN) -- A 48-year-old man was arrested Wednesday for allegedly threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the FBI announced.

The FBI says it arrested a 48-year-old man who allegedly made threats against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.View

The FBI says it arrested a 48-year-old man who

 allegedly made threats against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The arrest occurred in San Francisco, California, where Pelosi's home district is located, according to FBI spokesman Joseph Schadler. He identified the suspect as Gregory L. Giusti, but no further details were immediately available.

FBI spokeswoman Patti Hansen said charges against the suspect would be revealed at a court hearing Thursday. She declined to provide any further details of the case.

Pelosi is the top Democrat in the U.S. House and was a leading figure in efforts to win congressional approval of sweeping health care legislation.

A statement from Pelosi's office said the arrest occurred "after an investigation into threats against" the speaker. It thanked law enforcement officials and said Pelosi would have no further comment at this time.

Threats against U.S. senators and representatives increased as Congress completed work in March on the health care bill, which was unanimously opposed by Republicans. In addition, conservative activists around the country protested the bill.

Most of the reported threats were against Democrats, though there were some against Republicans.

On Tuesday, the Justice Department announced the arrest of a 64-year-old Washington state resident for allegedly issuing death threats against Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, who supported the health care bill.

A department statement said the suspect, identified as Charles Alan Wilson of Selah, Washington, made the threats in phone messages to Murray's office between March 22 and April 4.

Wilson allegedly stated that Murray "had a target on her back" and that he wanted to kill her, according to the statement, which said the threats were in response to congressional passage of the new health care bill.

Threatening a federal official is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, the Justice Department statement said.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Will It Blend? - iPad

We've heard that the iPad will change your life, but will it change the way you blend?

Watch Video now!!!!!!!!

Will It Blend? - iPhone3G

Tom uses his new iPhone3G to stay organized. Watch what happens when he tries to blend his old iPhone.

Watch Video now!

Monday, April 5, 2010

How to fix your BROKEN iPhone

I dropped my iPhone back in January of this year and have been so so upset since! I searched high and low online to find a resolution for it but it was all too pricey for me to justify fixing it. So I got some parts from Ebay and then thought I'd do my own little experiment. The rest is history!

Watch Video now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iPhone 4G (2010) NOT 3GS

Incredible App For iPhone 3G! - The PocketGuitar - A Virtual iPhone Touch Guitar Software

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K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and related tools. Codecs are required to encode and/or decode (play) audio and video. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your movie files. With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play 99% of all the movies that you download from the internet.

Download here

How the iPad Is (Already) Changing the Web

While it remains to be seen whether or not the Apple iPad will be a long term success, there is little doubt about the enthusiasm surrounding the device. Between all of the preorders and the long lines out in front of Apple Stores, the first day for the iPad may have seen better sales than the first day for the original iPhone. And there were a few nice surprises in store for eager iPad owners, including an official Netflix application, which allows streaming of movies to the iPad for Netflix subscribers.

But perhaps the most interesting development was the move to HTML 5 video for sites, which previously provided an app to deliver video to the iPhone. Brightcove, which provides video for the NY Times, also made the move toward an HTML 5 video platform. And if the iPad continues to sell, expect more to follow the move toward HTML 5 as the video standard.

No doubt, Adobe wasn't too pleased with the development. Adobe Flash has long been the standard for video on the web, but Apple has long taken an anti-Flash stance with the iPhone and extended that stance to the iPad. The move towards HTML 5 video would put a major dent in Adobe's presence on the web, but Adobe did get some good news whenGoogle announced it would be integrating Flash into Chrome. Flash's ability to be a development platform separates it from being just a video player, which ensures it will be around for some time despite the move towards HTML 5.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

CES 2010: Core i7 Extreme Edition Laptop

Albert talks to intel about their amazing extreme laptop while Bauer plays Avatar the game.

Asus G51J-A1 Notebook Review Core I7 Gaming Laptop Video and Benchmarks

This video review is of an Asus G51J-A1 Gaming Notebook. This review contains a full 360 degree view as well as various benchmarks.
Asus G51J-A1, Intel Core I7-720qm, 4gb ddr3, Dual 320gb 7200rpm, NVIDIA GTX 260M, DVDRW, 15.6" FHD LED (1920X1080), Windows 7

ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop - Asus G73JH-A1 Reviews

The Asus G73JH-A1 Laptop comes with a 17.3 inches FHD colour shineasus-g73jh-a1-laptop Asus G73JH-A1 Laptop display with 1920 x 1080 pixels maximum resolution. This smart model is provided with Intel HM 55 Express chipset and 1333 MHz data bus speed. In addition, it consists of 6 MB L2 cache memory, 8 GB DDR3 SDRAM with 1066 MHz speed and a 1000 GB hard disk drive. It consists of Intel core mobile i7 quad processor.

This stylish black laptop is very small and compact measuring just 18.4 inches in width, 12.4 inches in depth and 1.8 inches in height. It weighs 8 lbs. This device supports 8 cells 5200 mAh capacity battery for backup. It needs 100 to 240 V AC supply with 50/60 Hz frequency. This versatile unit supports Blu Ray disc drive. Besides, it consists of an 8 in 1 card reader.

asus-g73jh-a1-laptop reviewsView

The sleek Asus G73JH-A1 1 TB Laptop is provided with ATI HD 5870 graphics processor with 1 GB RAM. It consists of a built-in 2 megapixels video camera. Further, this diligent unit supports 802.11 b/g/n WLAN. In addition, it supports Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR. The connectors include 1 x VGA port for external monitor, 4 x USB 2.0 ports, 2 x Audio jack : 1 Head phone / 1 Mic-in, 1 x LAN RJ-45 and 1 x HDMI. For data input, it provides you a numeric keyboard and a touchpad. The indicators include bluetooth on status, wireless status on and power on/suspend. It is provided with genuine windows 7 home premium 64 bit OS.

Other features include BIOS booting, HDD User Password Protecting, Notebook Lock and Kensington lock slot. It consists of 4 built in speakers and array microphones. Besides, it supports Dolby Home theatre and Altec Lansing co-brand speakers. It comes complete with gaming mouse and gaming backpack. The company provides 2 years warranty.

ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop - Asus G73JH-A1 Full Specs

General Info
Brand Asus
Model Asus G73JH-A1 Laptop
Colours AvailableBlack
Weight8 lbs
Dimensions16.33 x 12.59 x 1.8 inches
Processor TypeIntel Core Mobile i7 Quad Core
Hard disk capacity1000 GB
RAM capacity8 GB
Screen size17.3 inches
Screen resolution1920 x 1080 pixels
Graphics cardATi HD5870
USB ports4
Optical drivesBlu-Ray Disc Drive
Removable media slots8 in 1 card reader
Wireless technologyYes
Operating SystemWindows 7
CD/ DVD Read/writeYes

IPhone Tantalizes, Frustrates Forensics Experts

Connecting the iPhone to a laptop through a USB write-blocker is one way to forensically examine the device.

Photo: Derrick Donnelly, Blackbag Technologies

Technophiles may love the iPhone, but you criminals? Watch out. The iPhone may reveal more about your misdeeds than you realize.

Derrick Donnelly, chief technology officer of Blackbag Technologies, a Silicon Valley-based company specializing in Apple forensic solutions, is tempted by the rich array of potential evidence an iPhone might contain.

Will its data favor the defense or the prosecution? "There is more information in there than your average cell phone," explains Donnelly. "The ease of use lends itself to more use … and more use creates more artifacts."

The iPhone's web, e-mail and phone functionality -- combined with its 4- or 8-GB storage capacity -- means it can serve as a window into the personality, lifestyle, social circle and actions of the user. "Even though there might not be a smoking gun right in there," explains Donnelly, "a lot of these smaller pieces could add up to a bigger piece that could lead you to further evidence."

But not every forensics expert is convinced. "The iPhone is evil," says Amber Schroader, CEO of Utah-based Paraben, a leader in digital-forensics software development. "It's Mac OS X, and it's a completely closed system."

In other words, it's not easy for a forensics team to guarantee that the data extracted from an iPhone has not been tampered with. The result is that juries may find reasonable doubt in how that data was extracted.

The digital-forensics industry is dominated by PC experts, mirroring the larger percentage of PC users in the marketplace. Mac forensic analysis is considered a highly specialized service. "To know the iPhone is to know the Mac or vice versa," explains Donnelly. "Because it's a different file system and a different operating system, right off the bat the things you're usually looking for are not in the same places and they are in a very, very different format."

But even Mac experts like Donnelly are struggling with how to get the data off the iPhone's closed system without altering the data by turning on the device. Currently, the iPhone is not compatible with existing forensic software and data-extraction systems. Forensic experts may be left with old-school techniques like photographing data as it is displayed on the screen itself -- as if it were a yellow-taped crime scene.

Finding a laptop or desktop computer on the scene could help significantly. "You might not be able to get the information off the iPhone," says Donnelly, "but you may be able to get other devices that the iPhone was connected to." If the user had uploaded their phone's data, analysts may find copies on the linked computer.

The vast amount of personal data the iPhone can store and personal habits it can track means it has the potential to say a lot about the user. But the first challenge may be getting this closed-mouthed phone to talk.

Son of MacBook Air and iPod Touch, Wonderful iPhone 4G Concept

This wonderful concept, through the curves and s’effilant the Macbook Air with the key back, the better that the fresh inspiration Macbook iPhone 4G, we have at the beginning of the month.


The thing that fascinates me most about these concepts is not the aesthetics. It is the first camera and the fact that people seem excited by the idea of videoconferencing on the iPhone. As cited from, especially the idea of videoconferencing software from office, both on PC and Mac. It is a must for video chat feature to be really useful, and I personally think this is one of the reasons why it was not done by Apple before.

My hope is that they so that several, both with Apple iChat for the PC at a specific time or, ideally, based

How to Unlock your iPhone 3G

unlock iphone 3gView

Step 1

  1. Launch iTunes and check to ensure that you are running version 9.0.1. If you are not, then update your iTunes before proceeding and reboot your PC.

    Install Blackra1n and reboot your PC.

  2. Step 2

    If you haven't already plugged your iPhone or iPod Touch into your computer, connect it now with the USB sync cable.

    Launch Blackra1n and click on the button "make it ra1n."

  3. Step 3

    Your iPhone or iPod Touch will go into recovery mode. A picture of GeoHot will replace the standard recovery mode image on your device.

  4. Step 4

    Blackra1n will execute and perform the jailbreak on your device and the device will be rebooted.

    An opportunity will present itself for you to make a donation to GeoHot.

  5. Step 5

    Once your device has rebooted, a new icon--Blackra1n--will appear on the Springboard. You now need to confirm that your device can connect to the Internet.

  6. Step 6

    Launch Blackra1n on your device.

  7. Step 7

    You can now choose to install one or more of your favorite installer apps: Cydia, Rock, or Icy. (Note: my personal favorites are Cydia and Icy.) Blackra1n will download and install your selections, the Springboard will be restarted, and your installed installer app icons will appear.

    After you have confirmed that your selected installer app is working, you can then optionally uninstall Blackra1n by launching it and tapping the button labeled "Uninstall blackra1n."

    Reboot your device my pressing and holding sleep/wake and home until the Apple logo appears. You're now done!

What are the differences between the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G?

The differences between the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G are fairly modest. From a quick look at the front of both models side-by-side it would be unlikely that the casual observer would notice a difference -- each have an identical 3.5" display with 320x480 resolution at 163 ppi -- although the 3G model does have a slightly wider black frame around the screen.

View Photo Credit: Apple, Inc. (Original - Left, 3G - Right)

Flip the devices around, and one would immediately notice that the original iPhone and iPhone 3G are quite different, as the original model uses aluminum and the 3G model is offered in either black or white plastic. Both the original and 3G models have a 2.0 megapixel digital camera.

View Photo Credit: Apple, Inc. (Left - Original, Middle & Right - 3G)

The dimensions are similar, but not quite identical, as the 3G models are slightly thinner at the tapered edges and slightly thicker in the middle (0.48 inches compared to 0.46 inches for the original). The 3G models weigh slightly less as well (4.7 ounces compared to 4.8 ounces for the original).

The other most notable external design change between the original and 3G models is that the headphone jack is no longer recessed on the 3G models. This is welcome news for those interested in using third-party headphones or accessories.

The most substantial differences are internal -- the iPhone 3G adds support for faster 3G networks -- usually twice as fast as the EDGE standard supported by the original -- as well as GPS hardware that is capable of pinpointing a user's current location, automatically geotagging photographs taken with the internal camera, and providing the location of the user to third-party applications.

Both models include support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 (2.0 for the original and 2.0+EDR for the 3G). The original iPhone offers 4, 8, or 16 GB of storage, and the iPhone 3G offers 8 or 16 GB of storage (the white model is only available with 16 GB).

Apple reports that the iPhone 3G also features modestly better battery life -- most notably "up to" 10 hours of talk time while using a 2G network (compared to 8 hours for the original) and 300 hours of standby time (compared to 250 hours for the original). However, it is worth noting that Apple reports that the iPhone 3G only provides 5 hours of talk time or web use on a 3G network and real-world tests have shown that battery life can fall short of this estimate.

Additionally, the iPhone 3G ships with new software -- version 2.0 -- with support for third-party applications and other improvements compared to the software that shipped with the original, particularly for corporate users, but the original model can be updated to use the new software at no extra charge.

In the United States, the iPhone 3G originally sold for US$199 and US$299, for the 8 GB and 16 GB models, respectively, compared to US$499 and US$599 when the original iPhone models were introduced with 4 GB and 8 GB of storage. Apple proclaims that the iPhone 3G was "twice as fast at half the price", but the reality was more complicated as the required service plans became more expensive. On June 8, 2009 -- with the introduction of the iPhone 3GS -- Apple discontinued the 16 GB iPhone 3G configuration and dropped the price of the 8 GB iPhone 3G to US$99 with a new two year AT&T Wireless contract.

For your convenience, the main differences between the original iPhone and iPhone 3G have been summarized in this handy chart:

iPhone (Original) iPhone 3G
Data Networks: EDGE (2G) & Wi-Fi EDGE (2G), 3G & Wi-Fi
A-GPS: No Yes
Bluetooth: 2.0 2.0+EDR
Storage Size: 4, 8, 16 GB 8, 16 GB*
Talk Time (3G): N/A 5 Hours
Talk Time (2G): 8 Hours 10 Hours
Battery Life (Web - 3G): N/A 5 Hours
Battery Life (Web - Wi-Fi): 6 Hours 6 Hours
Battery Life (Music): 24 Hours 24 Hours
Battery Life (Video): 7 Hours 7 Hours
Standby Time: 250 Hours 300 Hours
Headphone Jack: Recessed Flush
Back Exterior Finish: Aluminum/Black Plastic Black or White Plastic*
Dimensions (Inches): 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.48
Weight: 4.8 oz. (135 g) 4.7 oz. (133 g)
Price (As Introduced): US$499, US$599† US$199, US$299§

* White is only offered with 16 GB of storage for US$299.

† On September 5, 2007, a mere two months after it shipped, Apple discontinued the 4 GB iPhone model and dropped the price of the 8 GB model to US$399. On February 5, 2008, Apple introduced a 16 GB model for US$499. These prices required a two-year contract in the US.

§ These prices required a two-year contract in the US. On June 8, 2009 -- with the introduction of the iPhone 3GS -- Apple discontinued the 16 GB iPhone 3G configuration and dropped the price of the 8 GB iPhone 3G to US$99 with a new two year AT&T Wireless contract. Please note that the required service plan is more expensive than it was for the original iPhone as well and after the introduction of the iPhone 3GS an unlimited data plan is required.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

iPhone 3G Review Full

You can say that Apple is a successful company because its products are very successful but in my opinion there is no other product which can compete against the iPhone for the title of the most welcomed by the phone users and I could say by the public. I can’t really tell why everybody loved it almost instantly because the iPhone was not that good as it lacked some important features, it was not available in all countries (actually, it was available in very few countries), and it cost way too much for an average person. Driven by the success of the iPhone and, of course, by its flaws, Apple decided to design a new and improved version of the aforementioned device: the iPhone 3G. “Twice as fast. Half the price”, says Apple. Should we believe it? That’s why you should read the iPhone 3G review below.

iPhone 3G Homescreen

From the outset, when you would consider buying a phone you have to like its design which is absolutely normal because you wouldn’t want an ugly phone in your pocket. The iPhone 3G is quite pretty although it looks almost like the previous version, there are some changes. I think that most of you enjoyed the matte aluminum rear of the iPhone, but the new black plastic, or optional white for the 16GB iPhone 3G, is kind of futuristic and “fun” to touch it. There is one thing that everybody liked about the iPhone and will continue to like at the iPhone 3G – it’s the 3.5-inch display which is very bright and the quality is simply great and I don’t think that it would be necessary to say that it sports a 480×320 high resolution. The iPhone 3G is thicker at the center, probably because of all the new additions, but the edges are thinner and sharper in a pleasant way as it makes it look tinier and cuter. I guess that you will be disappointed by the fact that you can’t use the original iPhone dock due to the new shape. This is the first that annoys me – Apple said that the iPhone 3G would be cheaper than is predecessor, but then the dock was included and now you will have to buy a new one which costs around $30.

iPhone 3G iPod

We couldn’t have missed the fact that Apple bragged about the call quality of the iPhone 3G. They say it’s really improved and it really is. Apple did a great job, although we know that the call quality in 3G is far better than GSM call quality, both of 3G calls and GSM calls sounded great. We know that the quality depends on the coverage and where you are and we have to say that 3G calls require a lot more power which takes us to an important disadvantage of the iPhone 3G – the battery is not so great although Apple says that the device managed 10 hours talk on GSM and 5 hours talk in 3G. The other number shows that the iPhone 3G sports 6 hours of WiFi, 5 hours of 3G data, 7 hours of video and 24 hours of music, but they all failed to impress us as none of Apple’s estimations were correct. The iPhone 3G camera is mostly the same as you will find the 2-megapixel camera which is very poor but it managed to shoot better pictures that the previous version of the iPhone. I was really disappointed by this as I would expect Apple to integrate a camera that would compete against the 3.2-megapixel sensor with mechanical autofocus that HTC prepared for the Touch Diamond.

iPhone 3G Photos


One thing that everybody has criticized the iPhone was the headphone jack. Back then you needed an adapter for the headphones to work but now the jack is flush therefore the standard headphones will fit in perfect without any damage done to them or the iPhone 3G. Another useful improvement is the volume of the speaker and now you will hear your calls or music at a fair level, neither loud nor low, but in the future we would expect to see stereo just like Nokia Nseries. Probably the biggest difference and the most important upgrade from the previous iPhone is the 3G data support. That’s why Apple called it iPhone 3G and that’s why I decided to write the iPhone 3G review. We were surprised to see that the iPhone 3G managed the same speeds as other 3G phones – somewhere between 300-500Kbps in the US and this is because of the poor reception of the AT&T network. We know for sure that in other countries, especially in Europe, the 3G data rates can reach about 800Kbps. This sound great, isn’t it?

iPhone 3G GPS

Another great addition for the “most expected gadget” of the year is the GPS which makes the iPhone 3G an AGPS device. What’s an AGPS device? Well, these types of device are conventional GPS receivers that determine the location and direction with high accuracy thanks to the cellphone towers. Apple managed to integrate APGS alongside WiFi-based location system designed by Skyhook into the iPhone which makes cellphone the only gadget with the two systems together. You should take into consideration the fact that the iPhone 3G is not a GPS device therefore you can’t expect instant GPS acquiring, but this takes just a few seconds depending on where you are and the signal reception therefore it could take more than a few seconds.

iPhone 3G App Store

Although the iPhone 3G lacks some features you will notice that its usability comes from the iPhone 2.0 software update which now supports the App Store. Why App Store is so great? Well, because you can download whatever you want. You just have to log in to your iTunes account and then you go to the App Store main menu where you can sort the applications by name and category. I guess I don’t have to say that there are free apps or you must pay for them.

iPhone 3G iTunes

You can download iTunes songs only through WiFi , but 10Mb apps can be downloaded via 3G or EGDE when 3G is not available. You will notice that 3G downloads take as less as through WiFi but downloading through EDGE will give you a headache. Also, the App Store will let you know if there are any updates for the applications that you purchased.

iPhone 3G Mail

According to Apple, the iPhone 3G will support the new MobileMe service, but we can’t tell you that as MobileMe was down & offline so far. In theory, this service will allow you to sync your personal data, work calendars as well as contact with applications like Mac Mail, Address Book and iCal.

The new iPhone 3G features the Microsoft Exchange which was expected by many people but they will be a little disappointed by the way it works. Let me it a little to you. You can use it very easy – you just need to add the correct settings, choose the e-mail system then enter the e-mail address, username, server and password and you are ready to go. Your iPhone 3G will synchronize with Outlook and with the contacts, and the calendar.

iPhone 3G Calendar

So here comes the problem - although the iPhone 3G supports many accounts, it can’t sync with more than one Exchange server therefore it can only sync with one contact list and calendar. This means that your personal calendar can’t “work” together with your work calendar and it will be replaced when you will start the sync. At least Apple has given us the possibility to be notified when this happens, but still they should take BlackBerry as an example.

I would like to end the iPhone 3G review by putting emphasis on what I enjoyed seeing and what I didn’t see (but would like to see) at the iPhone 3G. I will start with the bad as the iPhone 3G should feature MMS, stereo Bluetooth, landscape QWERTY keyboard, copy/paste, video recording and voice dialing. Am I asking for too much? Oh, let’s not forget that the iPhone 3G is missing Flash support and a memory card (yes, you heard me! I want more than 16GB!). Now, let’s get to the part that I enjoyed. I am sure that you will say that I’m predictable but I love the 3G support and the third party applications, as now the call quality is simply great. Another thing that I enjoyed is the music, picture and video experience. The ones at the latter were divine at the previous iPhone and they match perfectly with the quality of the iPhone 3G. I don’t know what to say more therefore I will let you discover the usability of the iPhone 3G and I hope you will enjoy it!

iPhone Q&A - Revised July 19, 2009

What are the differences between the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G?

The differences between the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G are fairly modest. From a quick look at the front of both models side-by-side it would be unlikely that the casual observer would notice a difference -- each have an identical 3.5" display with 320x480 resolution at 163 ppi -- although the 3G model does have a slightly wider black frame around the screen.


Photo Credit: Apple, Inc. (Original - Left, 3G - Right)

Flip the devices around, and one would immediately notice that the original iPhone and iPhone 3G are quite different, as the original model uses aluminum and the 3G model is offered in either black or white plastic. Both the original and 3G models have a 2.0 megapixel digital camera.


Photo Credit: Apple, Inc. (Left - Original, Middle & Right - 3G)

The dimensions are similar, but not quite identical, as the 3G models are slightly thinner at the tapered edges and slightly thicker in the middle (0.48 inches compared to 0.46 inches for the original). The 3G models weigh slightly less as well (4.7 ounces compared to 4.8 ounces for the original).

The other most notable external design change between the original and 3G models is that the headphone jack is no longer recessed on the 3G models. This is welcome news for those interested in using third-party headphones or accessories.

The most substantial differences are internal -- the iPhone 3G adds support for faster 3G networks -- usually twice as fast as the EDGE standard supported by the original -- as well as GPS hardware that is capable of pinpointing a user's current location, automatically geotagging photographs taken with the internal camera, and providing the location of the user to third-party applications.

Both models include support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 (2.0 for the original and 2.0+EDR for the 3G). The original iPhone offers 4, 8, or 16 GB of storage, and the iPhone 3G offers 8 or 16 GB of storage (the white model is only available with 16 GB).

Apple reports that the iPhone 3G also features modestly better battery life -- most notably "up to" 10 hours of talk time while using a 2G network (compared to 8 hours for the original) and 300 hours of standby time (compared to 250 hours for the original). However, it is worth noting that Apple reports that the iPhone 3G only provides 5 hours of talk time or web use on a 3G network and real-world tests have shown that battery life can fall short of this estimate.

Additionally, the iPhone 3G ships with new software -- version 2.0 -- with support for third-party applications and other improvements compared to the software that shipped with the original, particularly for corporate users, but the original model can be updated to use the new software at no extra charge.

In the United States, the iPhone 3G originally sold for US$199 and US$299, for the 8 GB and 16 GB models, respectively, compared to US$499 and US$599 when the original iPhone models were introduced with 4 GB and 8 GB of storage. Apple proclaims that the iPhone 3G was "twice as fast at half the price", but the reality was more complicated as the required service plans became more expensive. On June 8, 2009 -- with the introduction of the iPhone 3GS -- Apple discontinued the 16 GB iPhone 3G configuration and dropped the price of the 8 GB iPhone 3G to US$99 with a new two year AT&T Wireless contract.

* White is only offered with 16 GB of storage for US$299.

† On September 5, 2007, a mere two months after it shipped, Apple discontinued the 4 GB iPhone model and dropped the price of the 8 GB model to US$399. On February 5, 2008, Apple introduced a 16 GB model for US$499. These prices required a two-year contract in the US.

§ These prices required a two-year contract in the US. On June 8, 2009 -- with the introduction of the iPhone 3GS -- Apple discontinued the 16 GB iPhone 3G configuration and dropped the price of the 8 GB iPhone 3G to US$99 with a new two year AT&T Wireless contract. Please note that the required service plan is more expensive than it was for the original iPhone as well and after the introduction of the iPhone 3GS an unlimited data plan is required.

Taiwan will get the iPhone 3G on December 13th

The largest operator in the Taiwan region, Chunghwa Telecom, has finally given us a date when they will be releasing the iPhone 3G in Taiwan. Looks like those who have had to wait for so long will finally get their hands on the iPhone 3G in less than two weeks.


The company said it would sell iPhones exclusively for an unspecified period, with a two-year service contract carrying a minimal month fee of NT$1,049 (about US$ 31). To get a free iPhone with 8GB memory space, people will have to sign a two-year contract with a monthly charge of NT$2,549 (about US$ 76). Or they can buy the phone from Chunghwa Telecom for at least NT$26,600 (about US$ 800) and get a prepaid number.

December 13th is the day that Taiwan residents will be able to pick one up, legally anyway. Chunghwa is also talking with HTC to bring the T-Mobile G1 to Taiwan.  Chunghwa is currently offering pre-sales of the iPhone 3G that will run until December 10th. By targeting the holiday season, Chunghwa plans to sell 50,000 units by March of 2009.

Asus: Preview of Upcoming NBs

Asus is all set to lure the notebook (NB) industry with two new NBs; the W5Fe with dual screen, and the G1S for mobile gaming.The W5Fe or the slide-show notebook as it is called, is the world's first to have dual screens, claims Asus. The small screen on the outer body is a shortcut to viewing a wide range of information, including photo slide-show, meeting schedules, phone numbers, addresses, and e-mails, etc, without actually starting Windows.Based on Intel Core 2 Duo mobile technology, the compact 12.1-inch wide-screen notebook comes with a built-in 1.3 mega-pixel Web cam, which can be swiveled 235-degrees forward and backward. Other specifications include: 160GB hard disk, 8x Super Multi DVD Writer, 128MB internal VGA memory, Bluetooth, 8-in-1 card reader, and 3 x USB.The other notebook awaiting launch is G1S, aimed at redefining mobile gaming with advanced graphics solutions, display technologies, and design details. Powered by Nvidia GeForce Go 8600GT with 256MB GDDR3 VRAM, G1S integrates Asus's Direct Messenger, which is an in-game information control panel for monitoring messengers, emails, alarms, and battery capacity while the user is engaged in full screen gaming. In addition, the notebook also features Direct Flash sidelights that auto glow while playing DirectX 10 games.The G1S sports a 15.4-inch wide LCD screen, and a 1.3 mega pixels Web cam, and bundles a gaming laser mouse. Gaming hotkeys on the keypad are highlighted in Green for easy access.Francis Kao, business development manager for notebooks at Asus, even said, "We are officially launching the G1 gaming series notebooks in India because they enjoy so much popularity as was witnessed during a recent Asus gaming event."The G1S is scheduled to launch in the country next week, while the W5Fe will be launched a week after that.Other projects in the Asus pipeline include: the next generation Lamborghini laptop, and the U1, a lightweight 11-inch laptop.

Asus Lamborghini VX1 laptop


Seems like every company is producing its own brand of laptop these days, especially if it belongs in the high-end logo driven market. First there was the Ferrari laptop, and now, we have the Lamborghini laptop.

You can finally lay your hands on the actual item, after the sneak peek preview about seven months ago. The Asus Lamborghini VX1 laptop features a 2GHz Intel Core Duo T2500 chipset and Intel’s Centrino technology with a WiFi adapter built in. Also features a 15” VX1 with Color Shine high-resolution LCD screen. The machine completes with a gig of RAM, a 120GB hard drive, Bluetooth capability and a DVD burner.


Performance aside, would you just look at how sexy this thing is! Comes in black or yellow, the notebook features the trademark Lamborghini logo with exceptional mirror painting finish. It looks as gorgeous as sin, and to those lucky few who are able and willing to fork out the big bucks, it’ll cost you a pretty $3,500 USD. (No, don’t even ask, the car does not come with the laptop.)

The only thing I can think of that will make it an even “cooler” toy would be for the cover to open up like the race car itself – like a pair of wings.

The information is in Chinese, but if you want to look at more detailed pictures, check out Taiwan – CNET .

Lamborghini is planning a hybrid for 2015


According to sources from Germany, A Lamborghini hybrid is under works. In an interview with Automobilewoche, Lamborghini CEO Stephan Winkelmann said that he could see a small electric motor joining the 10- and 12-cylinder engines in the automaker’s lineup. However, rather than going totally environmentally-friendly, the hybrid system is expected to provide only marginal fuel-efficiency gains. He also stated that Lamborghini has no interest in an all hybrid vehicle yet….

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